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HUMANS DO NOT LOVE one another
“You know, actually – and that is a terrible thing to realize – actually, we have no love.

We have sentiment; we have emotionality, sensuality, sexuality; we have remembrances of something which we have thought as love. But actually, brutally, we have no love. Because to have love means no violence, no fear, no competition, no ambition. If there is love, there is peace, because you would educate your children not to be a nationalist, not to have only a technical job and look after his own petty little affairs. You would have no nationality, there would be no divisions of religion, if you loved. But as these things actually exist – not theoretically, but brutally – in this ugly world, it shows that you have no love.

If the mother really loved her child, do you think the world would be like this?

So we have not that love. But you must have it. If you don’t have it, you cannot have virtue, you cannot be orderly, you cannot live with passion.

And there is no time. You can’t say, “Well, I can live without love because I have lived without love for two million years and I will live another two million years without love” – that means perpetual sorrow for the next two million years.

So what will you do? If you say please tell me what to do, then you are missing the bus entirely.

But if you saw the importance, the immensity, the urgency of that question – not tomorrow not the next day or the next hour, but see it now while you are sitting. Admittance of time is the greatest sorrow. As sorrow and love cannot be resolved, or love cannot exist through time, what is the state of your mind that has put this question?

If you put that question with that alacrity, with that urgency, with that potency, then what takes place in the mind? Because it will not allow time to come and interfere. Therefore such a mind has an infinite space both in the mind and in the heart; and so that mind is in a state of love; and in that sense of beauty, in that sense of vast, infinite space, there is creation.”

J. Krishnamurti
Varanasi, 5th Public Talk
28th November 1964


krishnamurti_theimmeasurable You and the world are not two different entities with separate problems; you and the world are one. Your problem is the world's problem. You may be the result of certain tendencies, of environmental influences, but you are not different fundamentally from another. Inwardly we are very much alike; we are all driven by greed, ill will, fear, ambition and so on. Our beliefs, hopes, aspirations have a common basis. We are one; we are one humanity, though the artificial frontiers of economics and politics and prejudice divide us. If you kill another, you are destroying yourself. You are the centre of the whole and without understanding yourself you cannot understand Reality.⁠


krishnamurti_theimmeasurable Meditation has no beginning and no end; in it there's no achievement and no failure, no gathering and no renunciation; it is a movement without finality and so beyond and above time and space. The experiencing of it is the denying of it, for the experiencer is bound to time and space, memory and recognition. The foundation for true meditation is that passive awareness which is the total freedom from authority and ambition, envy and fear. Meditation has no meaning, no significance whatsoever without this freedom, without self-knowing; as long as there's choice there's no self-knowing. Choice implies conflict which prevents the understanding of what is.⁠

"It is imperative, absolutely essential for the future of humanity that we are concerned with the brain which is conditioned. If one is aware of that, then we can proceed to ask whether it is possible to free the brain." — Krishnamurti, Mind Without Measure Talks in New Delhi